Pascal Lacroix

An experienced turner and enameller, he has been experimenting with sculpture for the past ten years. Since his encounter with the inhabitants of Fumel (Lot valley), a town that developed in the mid-19th century, he has become a pioneer in his field.e century around a steelworks closing in 2018, he explores the social field. Pascal Lacroix takes hold of a symbolic form: the IPN steel beam (...). LR

Lives in Tournon d'Agenais. Born in 1958.


A tour of a dozen ceramics workshops.


2022 : Earth SteelGalerie Terre d'Aligre, Paris
2021 : Terre Acier, Factory MemoryBernard Palissy Museum
2009 : RedGalerie de la Compagnie de Chine et des Indes
2007 : CeladonGangjin National Museum (KR)
2005 : Contemporary land, land of freedom1955 > 2005, Musée National de la Céramique, Sèvres
2003: La forme entre continuité et innovation, Musée international de la céramique, Faenza (IT).