Javier Bacigalupo

Javier Bacigalupo has developed a series of unconventional tools and techniques. Trituring, cutting, freezing, exploding, eroding, engulfing... He has become a passionate experimenter in the structural modifications of clay, notably during drying and firing, by adding different materials to the paste, or through external mechanical interventions. This rigorous observation and analysis of the material's behavior has given rise to a surprising freedom and strangeness.

Born in 1987. Chilean-Italian. Lives and works in Paris.


2006: Philosophy, University of Santiago

2007: Art degree, University of Santiago

2008/2012: Biology, University of Santiago

2017/2018 : DMA Ceramics Ecole Duperré, Paris

2018/2019 : Professional internship at the Rosini art foundry, Bobigny (93)