Jean-Sébastien Tacher

Halfway between Indiana Jones, a samurai and the Comte de Lautréamont, Jean-Sébastien Tacher has forged a world of his own, filled with bits and pieces of disparate mythologies and shaped by a chaos of styles. He draws inspiration from fantasy, Gothic and neo-Gothic sculpture, manga and Japanese mythology (...). SLF-H

Born in Roanne in 1980, lives and works in Paris.


2007: DNSEP, Ecole nat. sup. des beaux-arts, Grenoble.


2022: group show, Books - Fantasizing the worldAtland, Paris.
2020: group show, Wolves, lynx, and antsHyundai Motorstudio, Beijing (CN). Curators: Chen Min & Zhang Yehong.
2018 : group show, Ruffians and trickstersCRAC Le 19, Montbéliard.
2016 : A pagodaperennial outdoor sculpture, Centre d'art Esox Lucius, étang de la Clayette, Château de Grandvaux, Varennes-sous-Dun.
2016: group show, The editors' palacePalais de Tokyo, Paris. Curator: Emmanuel Ropers.
2015 : solo show, New Moon SchoolEsox Lucius Art Center, Varennes-Sous-Dun.