
Camille Reidt

The works she presents have the appearance of mineralized, petrified seeds. They are presented like precious stones. Their reinvention is disturbing, as they could have really existed as fossils. While the work is technically an experiment in matter, it also raises questions about the future of our ecosystems and the industrial exploitation of rare earths. LR

Prix Résidence 2024

Born in 1990. Lives and works in Limoges (Haute-Vienne)


2018: DNSEP, ÉNSA Limoges


2023: New Edge, Ciav, Meisenthal - Fait Machine, MIAM, Sète
- Living forms, Musée Adrien Dubouché Limoges / Sèvres Cité de la Céramique
2022: Craft 3.0, 1535° Creative Hub, Differdange
2021: Plant Fever, CID, Grand-Hornu L'expérience de Suzhou, Fabrique Pola.